A Table

Every good meal - no matter how small or quickly devoured - deserves to be shared with someone special. And this is exactly what I intend to do here and share with you great places to eat and delicious and easy to cook recipes.

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Xmas French Toast

Xmas French Toast

banana french toast
banana french toast
banana french toast
banana french toast
banana french toast

We ate so many pancakes and waffles over the last year that I have started adding french toast into the mix more often - as well as some more healthy options of course.

This is your traditional french toast (see recipe here - minus the stuffing part) but instead of adding maple syrup I added a couple of teaspoons of butter brandy and some finely chopped bananas; perfect for a Christmas breakfast. 

Brandy butter, for those of you who are not British, is traditional used at christmas time and added to mince pies of Christmas pudding - instead of cream or ice cream. It is delicious and add a nice kick to the sweetness of the french toast. You can buy it a M&S and Waitrose, or you can make it yourself (it is dead easy).

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My First Christmas Dinner

My First Christmas Dinner

My First Christmas Dinner

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Christmas Dinner.jpg
Christmas Dinner.jpg
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marlette blinis.jpg

ph/ me

This Christmas has been a bit different than usual. First of all, I spent it far away from my family - well there is an ocean between me and Brussels after all. Secondly, I spent it in a city that completely embrace Christmas and the festive spirit - Loondon. Thirdly, it is the first year I celebrated Christmas with my boyfriend and the new addition to the family - Lemon. Finally, and this is the big one, I did all the cooking myself. It has been a tradition in our family for as long as I can remember, that my dad would spend the day in the kitchen cooking the bigest meal of the year. Thankfully, I picked up - and remembered - a few tricks over the years. The meal itself was a traditional glase turkey covered with bacon ans stuffed with apple and pork stuffing, with over cooked potatoes, carrots and greens. We had blinis (c/o of Foodsterbox), foie gras and 'oignions confis au beurre salé' (c/o Foodsterbox). The dessert was the bf's all time favourite classic US cheese cake.

I really hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, forget the presents, the festivities, the trees and even the food. As long as you are healthy and with people you love that is all that really counts. Merry Christmas and let boxing day begin.

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