Lifestyle Diary

A fashion and lifestyle blog of a "twenty something" girl living and working in London. 

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cable sweather


The cable knit sweather

Ph/ Pierre De Greef

//WEARING// H&M jeans (old) Zara men jumper and borrowed clutch (yes I often go shopping in the men's department, don't judge :) ) Zara boots (A/W 2011)

Another Sunday afternoon outfit, now this is the kind of outfit I cold live in - basically men's clothes. This jumper is absolutely perfect, but don't go looking in the women's department, you won't find them there. Jumper lately has been a bit of a hard find for me, with them being either too short or too long. I was very excited too to find out I had been featured on the very well know french blog Punky B. I wish you all a great day!

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