Lifestyle Diary

A fashion and lifestyle blog of a "twenty something" girl living and working in London. 

Viewing entries tagged
elle magazine


So I normally do my trend posts on Wednesday but I a fair bit of news I wanted to share with you so here goes. First of all,l as most of you know (okay maybe just a few of you then) I am British but have lived in Belgium most of my life. I have been studying here in the UK for the last four years and today was my last exam here so these next two weeks will be my last in the UK and then I am heading back of to Brussels and then onto Brugges for my masters. Why am I telling you all of this, well it is quite simple I have come to realise that even thought blogging knows no real geographical borders (or others for that matter), bloggers seem to attract readers from their country or region which is a phenomenon I have yet to fully understand but one that I want to explore.

Anyway, this move back to Brussels got me thinking that I should start to connect more with my francophone and Belgium readers as I have done with my british and uk readers. This coincides perfectly with the great news (well I seem to think) that this blog is this months Belgium ELLE 'blog of the month'. I was shocked and pleasantly surprised at this bit of news, I don't normally bore you with the features of my blog but this one had to be shared!

Secondly, the little project I was working on with Hypeed is now finished. The editorial 'Down to Earth' , featuring the lovely Dylanna Suarez for which I was the guest editor looks great and I am happy with the result, the Hypeed team sure know how to makes lovely editorial with real people, yes an emphasise on the 'real' aspect of the editorials. So go and check it out and if you like the idea of participating in editorial fro and from you the why not try it out and participate in any (or all) of their next calls; take a bow, play it cool with a cat suit, the clog come back...

Finally, some time this week I will add a 'Shops to shop' section on the right hand side of the blog. It will be a selection of my favorite online shops and a link to discover the best places in London and Brussels (and anywhere else for that matter). So keep an eye out for this!