Lifestyle Diary

A fashion and lifestyle blog of a "twenty something" girl living and working in London. 

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pop of colour


Winter "essentials"

chunky knit
chunky knit
fedora hat
fedora hat
pop of colour
pop of colour
OTK boots
OTK boots
oversized coats
oversized coats
white jeans
white jeans
filles a papa
filles a papa
veste gertrude
veste gertrude
plaid print
plaid print
stripped jumper
stripped jumper


Well winter is definitely here (happy Thanksgiving to all my US readers by the way) and well I thought this would be the perfect time to share with you some of my winter essentials - nothing ground breaking of course. Warning, I woke up in quite the satirical mood.

Right at the top of the list are those warm chunky knits. You know the ones you can't wear under your coats as their are, well, just too chunky, that loose all their fluff which then gets tangled and stuck in your eyelashes, making you blind for the entire day. If you are lucky and have the right kind of chunky knit it should feel as if it were made out of brillo pads. Yep those are the knits I am talking about. Then we have the Fedora, so much more chic than your traditional beanie, it definitely won't keep you warm and will fly off with at the first sign of wind but oh so stylish. It's winter, it's dark and cold so a pop of colour is never a bad thing. Plus, you can pretent to be that rather annoyingly cheerful person. Next the high boots - otherwise know as OTK boots in the fashion jargon - those boots that only the 'fash pack' see as uber stylish while the rest of the world wonders what your 'other' job is. Best stay away from public transport while sporting this look or over-sensitive parents. There is also the 'oversized' coat, clearly the new 'it child' of the season and the coat you just can never seem to master. Do you buy it in your size or two sizes bigger? Is three such a thing as too oversized? Then there is what is know as 'winter whites'. Nope it doesn't entail that someone has found the formula to keeping clothes white, weel just that; white. It's just the fashionable term for wearing white in winter and calling it 'on trend'. Because god knows, I can't keep white clothes white in summer  how will it be any different in winter. If you had too many problems figuring out the oversized coat trend then maybe you will have better luck with the hooded coat. You would have thought that over so many years, the mastering of the perfect hood would have been complete. Sadly, we are still faced with the dilemme of the perfect hood - one that is neither too small making you look like a 6 year old or too big making walking a whole new challenge in itself. Then there are the prints. Two prints in particular - stripes and plaid - seem to creep back every season and we all talk about the trend as if it were an innovation in itself and as if it were the first time we laid eyes on such a master piece.

Those are the winter essentials you can always count on and count on them coming back every season to haunt us. Have a wonderful day.

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