1. Our new chairs, now just waiting for the sofa 2. The fun JPG x Coca Cola Light bootles c/o of the Coke team 3. Nothing like a good Swedish lunch at Ikea 4. The Topshop sparkling boots are out 5. Home made fondant au chocolat 6. My new watch c/o Southlane 7. Me and the fluff ball 8. M&M pretzel 9. and you thought Greenpeace wasn't a lobby group 10. home made chocolate chic cookies 11. Waiting for summer 12. The perfect floral dress 13. "oh my how you have big ears" 14. new Asos earrings 14. new aztec belt from Asos 15. This will brighten up my outfits - Zara bag 16. sweets, lots of sweets 17. Books I ordered, especially looking forward to reading Clay Shirky's novel.
//My top three articles of the week//
1. Fashion blogging is creating a new era of influencers by The Next Web
2. Geek chic: from bullied to fashion icons by The Next web
3. How tech is changing college life by Mashable
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