watergrill Santa monica
Watergrill restaurant Santa Monica
Watergrill restaurant Santa Monica
Watergrill restaurant Santa Monica
Watergrill restaurant Santa Monica
Watergrill restaurant Santa Monica
Watergrill restaurant Santa Monica
Watergrill restaurant Santa Monica
Watergrill restaurant Santa Monica

The Santa Monica Water Grill was one of our first stops when we arrived in Santa Monica. We had biked all the way from venice beach and we were looking for somewhere to sit down, enjoy the view, do some people watching and eat amazing seafood. We could not have found a better place.

Situated on Ocean Avenue facing the sea and the constant flow of people - both locals and tourists - it offers the best food you could wish for.

There also have a great restaurant - minus the view - in Downtown Los Angeles as well which is worth checking out.

The Santa Monica Water Grill
1401 Ocean Avenue
Santa Monica 

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* All pictures were taken with the Olympus Pen E-PL7